MCB Block 3- Organelles-The Nucleus

57 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How is the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear envelope supported?
By Intermediate Filaments (vimentin IF's) and it is studded with ribosomes
How is the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope supported?
By nuclear lamina (lamin IF's)
Regarding the Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC), what makes its structure?
Answer 3
1.) Nucleoporins made of glycoproteins of NPC2.) Cytoplasmic Ring: 8 subunits each with a cytoplasmic filament (Ran Binding protein- nuclear transport)3.) Luminal Ring: 8 transmembrane proteins connecting the nucleoporins to the membrane
What kind of transport is involved in the NuclearPoreComplex?
Answer 4
Bidirectional:-Passive when about 9nm-Selective active transport for Macromolecules a.) Imports proteins (histones, polymerases, TF's) and snRNP's b.) Exports mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomes
Specify nuclear import for Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC) traffic
Answer 5
-Translocation of protein complexes through NPC requires energy from hydrolysis of GTP mediated by Ran GTP-ase
-Cargo protein contains Nuclear Localization Signal (NLS-address label)
-Importin- imports receptors in the cytosol. Binds NLS and nucleoporins: in the nucleoporins: Imports
Specify nuclear export for Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC) traffic
Answer 6
-Translocation of protein complexes through NPC requires energy from hydrolysis of GTP mediated by Ran GTP-ase
-Cargo protein contains Nuclear Export Signal (NES)
-Exportin: (export receptors in nucleus) binds NES & Nucleoporins: Exports
Regarding Import/Export traffic of the NPC, what is the small G protein that is involved with the G Protein cycle?
Answer 7
Ran. Its conformation and activity is regulated by GTP binding and hydrolysis (Ran/GTP or Ran/GDP)
What is required in regards to the Ran gradient in order to import proteins through the nuclear pore complex?
A high concentration of Ran/GDP in the cytoplasm and a high concentration of Ran/GTP in the nucleus.
For NPC traffic, when is the ran complex considered to be switched "on"?
Answer 9
Once it is bounded to GTP
Guanidine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) exchanges GDP for GTP.
For NPC traffic, when is the ran complex considered to be switched "off"?
Answer 10
Once it is bounded to GDP
Ran GTPase-activating protein (Ran GAP) Hydrolyzes GTP to GDP
What would it mean if Ran-GEF (Guanidine nucleotide exchange factor) were present in the nucleus?
This would tell us that there are high levels of GTP present in the nucleus
-Ran-GEF exchanges GDP-->GTP
What are the players of NPC import?
Answer 12
Cargo Protein which bind to alpha/beta importin
-When bound there is interaction w/ nucleoporins and translocates the complex inside -Once there is interaction with Ran-GTP, importin releases its cargo protein and Ran-GTP-importin returns to the cytoplasm -Ran-GAP (GTPase activating protein) hydrolyzid RanGTP-->RanGDP and realeases importin...
Importin can now pick up more cargo
How is mRNA transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?
Answer 13
RNA's (mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA) are transported across the NPC as RNA-Protein complexes: Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNP's)
How are Viruses introduced to the cell?
Viruses transport themselves within the cell by using our own import complex.
What is responsible for the round shape of the nucleus?
Lamin a, b and c