Marketing Final Flashcards True or False

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Merchandising businesses take raw materials and change their form so that they can be used in the production of other products or in the operation of businesses or equipment
Businesses that do not use the marketing concept are more concverned abut producing products than understanding customer needs
In the past businesses expected customers to take most of the responsibility for completing marketing activities
When the marketing concept was adopted marketing became the work of one department the marketing department
A company that relise on promotion with brochures advertisdements and pbulic service announcements probably has not adopted the marketing concept
Patronage purchasing is usually limited to large expensive purchases
When a purchase has been made the consumer decision making process has be completed
You cannot implement the marketing concept without understanding customers
Marketing that encourages customers to join their reference group by purchasing and using products and services preferreed by group members is rarely effective
As businesses develop an international focus differene among customer groups and the number of distinct market segments tend to diminish
The process of summarizing combining or comparing information so that decsion can be made is called input
For managers and other decision makers the most important part of an MkIS is the output
The most important part of a marketing research report is the presentation of the resulst of the research
Open ended questions are often used when researchers are attemptiong to identify the problem or are completing a situational analysis
Obersavation research usually results in greater accuracy and objectivity and it is also the easiest way to gather information from large numbers of participants