The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare Flashcards

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Since Macbeth killed Duncan, he has felt _________
Uneasy and fearful
What good quality does Macbeth fear most about Banquo?
Wise courage
What feeling does Banquo express about Macbeth?
Why does Banquo hope that his prophecy will come true?
All the other prophecies have come true
What is Macbeth's plan for murdering Banquo and Fleance?
Hire two murderers to ambush them
How does Macbeth motivate the murders to act?
Fills them with hatred, appeals to their pride and hinting at the value of his gratitude
Why is Macbeth worried that he killed Duncan for Banquo's sake more than for his own?
Macbeth does not have children to follow him as king but Banquo does
Who envies Duncan because he is dead and free from the pain and troubles of life?
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth's reaction to Macbeth's plan to kill Banquo shows that.....
She most likely wants to stop Macbeth from killing Banquo
Shakespeare abandons ___________ because he wants us to understand clearly what happens in the scene
Unusual word choice
Who escapes the ambush? What is the consequence of this?
Fleance. He will fulfill the witches' prophecy
In the first three acts, who has been Macbeth's foil? By the end of Act 3, who seems to be emerging as his new foil?
Banquo. Macduff
At Macbeth's coronation banquet, how does Macbeth act towards seeing the ghost of Banquo? How does Lady Macbeth respond?
He is agitated and upset. She responds by scorning him.
What assumption does Macbeth reveal about Lady Macbeth during the banquet?
That she is also able to see the ghost of Banquo
Who is the only murdered man to return to sit among the living?