Latin/Greek Word Meaning and Examples

Students should know the meaning of these Latin and Greek words and be able to give examples of English words that are based on them

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Aequus [L]
Equal; equation
Ago, acta [L]
Do, things done; agent, enact, transact
Holos [G]
Whole; holistic, catholic
Jungo [L]
join; junction, conjugal
Lego, lectum [L]
Read; intellect, legible
Locus [L]
A place; local, dislocate
Loquor [L]
Speak; eloquent, loquacious
Medius [L]
Middle; mediate, mediocrity
Missio [L]
A sending; emissary, mission
Morior [L]
Die; mortal
Nego [L]
Deny; negate
Nihil [L]
Nothing; nihilism, annihilate
Occido [L]
Kill; homicide, suicide
Suffering or feeling sympathy; apathy
Pendo [L]
Weigh, hang; depend, pendant