Late Gothic Art

Artwork from the Late Gothic period. 

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 198

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Question 1
What is the name of this sculpture? Where is it located? What is the subject? List any other important facts.
Death of a Virgin
Late Gothic
Located in the TYMPANUM of Strasbourg Cathedral
SCENE: Mary has died. The apostles have their heads lined up in a fan-like manner; Mary Magdalene (the repentant sinner) is wringing Mary's hands
The doll-like figure is Mary's soul on its way to heaven
-DEVELOPMENT OF NATURALISM (turning heads, scratching beards
Question 2
What is the name of this sculpture? Why is it important?
Ecclesia and Synagogue
Late Gothic
Located in Strasbourg cathedral
-Ecclesia: wears a crown (showing that she is triumphant- importance of the Christian church)
-Synagogue: staff broken, holding tablets of law, blindfold over her eyes (shows that Judaism is a BLIND religion)
Question 3
What is the name of this sculpture? Why is it important? Who do they represent?
Ekkehard and Uta
Late Gothic
Located in Naumburg Cathedral in the WEST choir
Lifelike as can be
Seem to be caught in a particular moment
NOT exactly a portraiture- just made to look very naturalistic
Represent the founders of the church
Question 4
What is the name of this sculpture? What is it reminescent of? Why is it important?
Bamberg Rider
Late Gothic
Equestrian portrait (correlations to Marcus Aurelius)
SO lifelike--spontaneous moment represented
Influence of Reims cathedral sculpture
STILL increasing naturalism
Question 5
What is the name of this cathedral?
Cologne Cathedral
Late Gothic
Influenced by foreign French Gothic style
Pointed arches, ribbed vaults, stained glass
Question 6
What is the name of this cathedral?
INSIDE Cologne Cathedral
Late Gothic
Influenced by foreign French Gothic style
Pointed arches, ribbed vaults, stained glass
Question 7
What is the name of this cathedral? What type of church is it?
St. Elizabeth
Late Gothic
HALL church: nave and aisle at the SAME height
SMALLER (a mini Gothic church)
Buttresses (NOT flying, just strips)--small churches didn't need them
Question 8
What is the name of this cathedral?
INSIDE St. Elizabeth
Late Gothic
Lateral sense of extension; different than typical Basilican plan
HALL church (nave & aisles at the same height)
Question 9
What is the name of this cathedral? What is important about it?
Glouster Cathedral
Late Gothic
Late English Gothic Style: PERPENDICULAR style: vertically oriented
Vaults are ORNAMENTAL not structural
LOVE of fantasy in the ceilings
Question 10
What is the name of this church? What is an important attribute to it?
Westminster Abbey
-FAN vaults (hanging/pendant)
Organic, corkscrewing, spiraling down towards you
Light & delicate
Question 11
What is the name of this building?
Hall of the Cloth Guild
Late Gothic
Increasing middle-class
Rise of guilds/organizations
Question 12
What is this?
House of Jacques Coeur
Late Gothic
-Merchants increasingly wealthier
-Example of a MERCHANT'S house
Question 13
What is this painting? Who is the artist?
January & October by LIMBOURG BROTHERS
-Manuscript illuminations showing the MONTHS
-January: INSIDE, feast/rich clothing
-October: fields being put to rest
Question 14
What is the name of this?
Well of Moses- by CLAUS SLUTER
Late Gothic
Amazingly detailed
Showing Old Testament figure of Moses
Question 15
What is the name of this painting? Who is the artist? What materials are used?
Uffizi Madonna by Giotto
Late Gothic
TEMPERA (paint that is egg-based) on wood panel
Interested in showing SPACE
Spacial relationships are important