Introduction to Advertising Quiz 1 Flashcards

Here is the list of Flashcards based on Introduction to Advertising Quiz 1. Check your knowledge with these Flashcards by knowing the Introduction to Advertising Quiz 1. Learn and memorize these facts and answers related to Introduction to Advertising Quiz 1 with these simple and fun-based Flashcards. ​

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Marketing messages in paid media.
A name, term, symbol or design (or combination thereof) intended to clearly identify and differentiate a seller’s product from the competitor’s.
A marketing document that summarizes the current state of the marketplace as it related to a specific brand.
Situation analysis
A system of running competing brands of products within the same company. Each brand group is a team that operates as a relatively independent marketing organization within the larger organization while utilizing common resources.
Brand management
Viewing a large market of people with different demands as many smaller homogeneous markets.
Market segmentation
A marketing approach which considers how consumers perceive a product relative to competitive offerings.
Exists when consumers are bombarded by hundreds of marketing messages daily.
Principles that serve as guidelines for both individuals and organizations.
Agency function with the responsibility for representing the voice of the consumer in all decision making, particularly creative development.
Account planning
In-depth knowledge of the consumer that makes it possible to identify product benefits that will motivate purchasing behavior.
Consumer insight
Planning and marketing system that involves collecting and analyzing data on customers and prospects, particularly behavioral data.
Database marketing
Misrepresenation of a product that people believe to be true; omission of material of importance to the consumer that is likely to influence their choice.
Deceptive advertising
Form of advertising intended to condemn indifference to human suffering around the world
Benetton advertising
Information collected without the consumer's knowledge, usually through the Internet.
Behavioral targeting
Perception that occurs when the stimulus is below the level of consumer awareness.
Subliminal perception