Interpersonal Communication Finale Review

A review for a basic college communication nonverbal class. It goes over, nonverbal terms, conflict, family, listening, gibb and knap.

99 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Why do we communicate?
1. physical needs
2 identity needs
3. social needs
4. practical needs
What is the transactional model of communication?
Simutanious, mutual interaction. continuous, additive, non-repeatable, simultaneous no start or end.
Medium through which messages are exchanged
What is noise and what are the three factors?
Factors that make it difficult to hear:
1. external: temperature, loud noises, smells
physiological: hearing loss, illness
psychological: cognitive, distraction
What are some of the priniciples that help us understand the nature of the communication process?
1. communication is transactional ( degree of mutual influence that occuts when we interact)

2. communication can be intentional or unintentional

3. communication has a content and relational dimension

4. communication irreversible

5. communication is unrepeatable.

6. it's an on going process
What are the two common definitions of interpersonal communication?
1. quantitative: any interaction between two people

2. qualitative: people treat each other as unique individuals
What makes up qualitative communication?
Irreplaceability, uinqueness, interdependence, disclosure, intrinsic rewards.
What do we mean by communication competence?
Effective and appropriate (get the results you want and enhance the relationship)

there is no single ideal or effective way to communication
competence is situational, behavior varies from one situation and person to the next.
competence can be learned
What are the characteristics of communication competence?
1. large repertorie of skills
2. adaptability
3. ability to perform skillfully
4. involvement
5. empathy/ perspective taking
6. self monitoring
7. cognitive complexity
The language, vlaues, beliefs, tradtions, and cutsoms people share and learn
Describe with which we idenity
Label those we view as different
Describe the perception of membership in a group that is part of an encompassing culture
What are the characterstics of a low context culture
Uses lanuage primarily to express thoughts feelings and ideas as directly and logically s possible
What are the charactestics of a high context culture?
Relies heavily on subtle, often nonverbal cues to maintain social harmony