IBC Quiz Chap 4/5

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Define atom


An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains its identity in a chemical reaction
How did Democritus Characterize atoms?

He believed that atoms were indivisible and indestructible
. How did Dalton advance the atomic philosophy proposed by Democritus?


By using experimental methods, Dalton transformed Democritus’ ideas on atoms into a scientific theory.
List the four parts of Dalton’s atomic Theory.
  1. All elements are composed of tiny indivisible particles called atoms
  2. Atoms of the same element are identical. The atoms of any one element are different from those of any other element
  3. Atoms of different elements can physically mix together or can chemically combine in simple whole number ratios to form compounds
  4. Chemical reactions occur when atoms are separated or joined or rearranged. Atoms of one element however are never changed into atoms of another element as a result of a chemical reaction,
What type of instrument can be used to observe atoms?


A scanning tunneling microscope can be used to observe atoms.
What is the range of size that the radii of most atoms fall into.


5x10 (-11) m to 2 x 10 (-10) m
A sample with a mass 63.5g contains 6.02 10(23) atoms.

Calculate the mass of a single atom
Define electron

– A negatively charged subatomic particle
Define Protons
- are the positive charged subatomic particle
  1. Define neutrons

– are subatomic particles with no charge
  1. Define nucleus

– is the tiny central core of an atom and is composed of protons and neutrons.
  1. What are the three types of subatomic

How does the Rutherford model describe the structure of atoms.

In the nuclear atom, the protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus. The elections are distributed by around the nucleus and occupy almost all the volume of the atom
Describe Thomson’s and Millikan’s contributions to atomic theory.


They figured out how to calculate the mass of an electron.

They electron carries one unit of negative charge and its mass is 1/1840 just like the mass of a hydrogen atom.
What evidence led Rutherford to conclude that the atom is mostly empty space? –


The lack of deflection during the gold foil experiment. The experiment showed the alpha rays passed thru the gold foil with little deflection.