Human Anatomy: Final Review

Review on all terms for midterm

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Tricuspid Valve
Valve separating RA, RV
Mitral Valve
Valve separating LA, LV
Systolic Pressure
- Ventricular contraction- Top #
Diastolic Pressure
- Continuous flow- Bottom #
- Thick wall separting the chambers of the heart
Simple Squamous Epith
Answer 6
- Thin, suitable for exchanging materials through diffusion- One layer
- Lines capillaries
Stratified Squamous Epith
Answer 7
- Many layers- Lines surfaces that need to withstand harsh materials- Lines esophagus
Simple Cuboidal Epith
Answer 8
- Lg amounts of cyto- Good for secretion, absorption- Lines kidney tubes, ducts of glands- Round nuclei
Simple Columnar Epith
Answer 9
- Lg amounts of cyto- Good for secretion, absorption- Secretes a lot of mucus to move things- Lines digestive tract- Oval nuclei
Loose connective tissue
- Excrete
1. Parital cells
2. Chief cells
1. Secrete HCl
2. Secrete pepsinogen
Gastric acid process
1. HCl and pepsinogen enter lumen
2. HCl converts pepsinogen to pepsin
3. Pepsin breaks down food
4. Pepsin triggers release of more pepsinogen
Pancreas function
1. Digest carbs
2. Secretes enzymes to break up amino acids in chain
3. Breaks down RNA, DNA
- Simple inorganic nutrients we cannot make on our own
- Organic nutrient we cannot make on our own