HOA Quotes Final Exam

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“Show me an angel, and I’ll paint one.”
“It is more than possible that …the victim of a traumatic sexual experience and the later-to-be defiant advocate of female capability should have drawn subconsciously from the wellspring of her female identity and experience to humanize the treatment of a biblical theme that men had distorted almost beyond recognition.”
“[His apprentices] torture themselves stringing together infantile garlands, painting chubby crimson bottoms, and hurl themselves headlong into all kinds of follies which cannot be redeemed by originality, fire, tenderness nor by any magic in their models
Diderot (about Boucher)
“For when of books they should be thinking/They go carousing, roistering and drinking.”
“The scene of the fighting horse. From the start, they stood and fought with a fierceness which made me tremble for those gentlemen, but it was really admirable for a painting.”
“As the photographic industry became the refuge of all failed painters with too little talent, or too lazy to complete their studies, this universal craze not only assumed the air of blind and imbecile infatuation, but took on the aspect of revenge.”
“The principal figure is Mars, who has left the temple of Janus open…and struts with his shield and his bloodstained sword, threatening all peoples with disast er; he pays little attention to Venus, his lady, who, surrounded by her little love-gods, tries in vain to hold him back with caresses and embraces.”
“The first thing that, as the foundation of all others, is required, is that the subject-matter be grand, as are battles, heroic actions, and divine things.”
“Therefore, the Christian nobility should set itself against the pope as against a common enemy and destroyer of Christendom, and should do this for the salvation of the poor souls who must go to ruin through his tyranny.”
“Those marks of heroism and civic virtue offered the eyes of the people will electrify the soul, and plant the seeds of glory and devotion to the fatherland.”
Who painted The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
Who painted for the French king, then the Revolutionaries and then Napoleon?
Which Dutch Baroque artist painted small works of interiors
Which style is associated with ornate, intricate design, sensual themes, and pastel colors?
Which style is associated with social, often critical, issues and common themes/subjects?