Hist 1302 - Chapter 18


11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Edison organized the building of the first electrical power plant in:
New York City
The major significance of Elihu Thomson's career was his:
Successful and prosperous General Electric Company.
The aggressive tactics of John D. Rockefeller were supported by his:
Financial alliance with investment banker J.P. Morgan.
Automated cigarette manufacturing was pioneered by:
James B. Duke.
One effect of workers being required to work long hours was:
A disruption of workers' family lives.
Which statement about women and children in the work force is NOT true?
Conditions were hard for women and children, but they received the same pay as men.
Andrew Carnegie stated a differing view of the Gospel of Wealth by expressing that:
The affluent class should return some of their wealth to working class communities.
Which statement would most likely have been said by a believer in Social Darwinism?
"The laws of nature dictate the conditions of life for both rich and poor."
Horatio Alger stories:
Reinforced Gospel of Wealth ideas.
The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for:
Getting the eight-hour day.
The number of immigrants from northern and western Europe was highest around: