How Well Can You Identify These Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Flashcards

Pics of blood cells for Lab quiz Oct. 10/08 don't need to know all the details... also for 'blasts' don't need to know what kind of blast...just know that it is a blast.

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 349

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Question 1
ID this cell; are there nucleoli? granules?
Myeloblast; Y nucleoli; no granules
Question 2
ID this cell; are there nucleoli? granules? what else is significant about this cell?
Promyelocyte; nucleoli Y; many red/ppl granules; has some ltd motility
Question 3
ID this cell; are there nucleoli? granules? what is diff about the nucleus? what else is significant about this cell
Myelocyte; oval eccentric nucleus w flattened side; no nucleoli; 1 and 2 granules; light blue cyto; last cell capable of mitosis
Question 4
ID this cell; what is diff about the nucleus? are there nucleoli? granules?
Metamyelocyte; indented kidney bean shape nucleus; pink cyto; 2 granules and some 3
Question 5
ID this cell; what is diff about the nucleus? what else is significant about this cell?
Band granulocyte; c-shaped nucleus w uniform width; full motility
Question 6
ID this cell; How long can it live in the PB, how long in the tissues; What is its major function
Neutrophil; 10 hrs, 4-6 days; defense from bacterial infections via phagocytosis
Question 7
ID this cell and its major function
Eosinophil; antihistamine release to suppress inflammatory substances; minor fxn can destroy some parasites
Question 8
ID this cell and its major function
Basophil; involved with the immune response; causes inflammation through release of histamine and heparin
Question 9
ID this cell; are there nucleoli? granules? vacuoles?
Monoblast; 1-2 nucleoli, no granules, may have vacuoles
Question 10
ID this cell; where is the nucleus? are there granules? vacuoles?
Promonocyte; Irregular shape, indented eccentric nucleus; vacuoles; fine pink granules; variable motility
Question 11
ID this cell; are there nucleoli? granules? vacuoles? is it motile?
Monocyte; irreg nucleus, no nucleoli, gr-bl cyto, small red-ppl granules, lots of vacuoles, high motility (pseudopod)
Question 12
ID this cell and 2 of its features (or lack thereof)
Lymphoblast; 1-2 nucleoli, no granules
Question 13
ID this cell and one of its possible features
Prolymphocyte; occasional fine red granules
Question 14
ID this cell and 2 of its poss features; what is its major function
Lymphocyte; scant sky blue cyto, few red granules; regulates immune fxn
Question 15
ID this cell and 3 features; what is it's function
Plasma cell; no nucleoli, vacuoles, no granules; secrete Abs