Health & Nutrition In Class Quiz Lipids Water Minerals

In class quizs Week 4 Lipids Week 7 Water and Minerals

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All of the following are functions of fat in the body
Provide Energy
Insulate the body
Form components of cell membranes
** Store genetic information
Satiety in the diet is provided primarily by
What are the functions of fat
Carrier of fat-soluble vitamins
Storage form of energy
Essential component of cell membranes
Adds flavor and aroma to food
** It is not the best source of energy for the brain
Which makes up 95% of the lipids in the diet
Triglycerides (also makes up 95% of fat in the body)
Which of the following lipids is essential?
Linoleic acid
Cholesterol can...
Be synthesized by the body
What are rich in polyunsaturated fat
Safflower oil, corn oil, sunflower oil

** Not palm or coconut oil
Which type of lipoprotein transports newly digested fat from the intestine through the lymph and blood
All of the following are found mainly in foods that contain fat
Vitamin A; Vitamin D; Vitamin E; Vitamin K

** all fat soluble
Dietary fat...
Fat is a component of all cell membranes
Fat contains 9 calories per gram
Fat provides satiety
Saturated fats are...
Generally soild at room temperature

Vegetable oils are liquid
Types of lipoproteins
HDL; VLDL; Chylomicrons
Recommendations for diet made by the American Heart Association
Consume less than 10% of calories as saturated and trans fat
Consume up to 20% of total calories as monounsaturated fat
Reduce cholesterol intake below 300 miligrams per day
Consume between 25%-35% of calories as total fat
Which of the following contains the most saturated fat: olive oil, lard, corn oil, sunflower oil
The single most important dietary factor that raises blood LDL-cholesterol level is
Polyunsaturated fat