Group Counseling

Group Counsel ing flas

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Defined membership with shared purpose, some degree of unity, interaction.
Group Analysis
Combined psychoanalytical insight with social/interpersonal functioning
Group Causalities
Principle of relationship between cause/effect
Group Cohesiveness
Focus which tend to bind group together, when cohesiveness is high, negative factors go down.
Group Collusion
A member secretly defrauding information disclosed within group.
Group Counseling
Focus on interpersonal process/problem-solving strategies that stess conscious thoughts, feelings, behavior.
Group Development
Knowledge on why and how groups change over time
Group Development
Knowledge on why and how groups change over time
Group Dynamics
Behavior of individuals within groups: the interpersonal processess, conscious thoughts, feelings, behavior
Group Guidance
A means to provide/share information response to various needs
Group Interaction
Collaborating effectively with others
Group Leader
Facilitate functioning within group setting
Group Marathon
Participants would meet for longer than 2 hours, perhaps for a weekend or longer.
Group Process
Basic elements that unfold group development from beginning to termination
Group Processing
Making comments on group process to keep the group therapeutic and attending to group dynamics.