Explain Amnesty in Government Flashcards

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Explain and be able to give examples of the three major political concepts that early British Immigrants brought to America
Ordered GovernmentLimited GovernmentRepresentative Government
Ordered Government
Anarchy does not existCreated a sherif, justice of peace, etc
Limited Government
The people give the government certain amounts of power
Representative Government
People select officials to represent them
What were the three legislative branches?
Royal, Proprietary, Corporate/Charter
How was the legislative branch set up under Royal?
The King decides the governor (who answers to the king)BICAMERAL (two houses)
How was the legislative branch set up under Proprietary?
(Someone does a favor for the king, king gives them a title) The Proprietor chose the governor.
How was the legislative branch set up under Corporate/Charter
Self governing colony.White male property owners elected their own governors.
List the New England Colonies
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut , and Rhode Island
List the Middle Colonies
Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania
List the Southern Colonies
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
What were 3 outcomes of the 1st Continental Congress as a result of the Intolerable Acts?
1. Drew up Declaration of Rights (Which they sent to King George III)2. Formed "The Association" (A group of merchants that boycotted against the British)3. Set a date to meet in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775 if Parliament did not repeal the Intolerable Acts.
What were 3 outcomes of the 2nd Continental Congress as a result of the British King not meeting their demands?
1. Sent another letter to King George stating that they were loyal to him, but they should have the right to manage their own affairs.2. Organized an army to defend themselves.3. Chose a comander to lead the army (George Washington)
What body was considered our first national government and why?
The Second Continental Congress served as our first national government for 5 years.John Handcock was the president of this Second Continental Congress
By raising armies, directing strategy, appointing diplomats, and making formal treaties, the Congress acted as the National Government
What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence and who wrote it?
Thomas Jefferson wrote it. It was written to express the reasons of why they were declaring war on Great Britain.Signed on July 4, 1776