Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 2nd Edition, Chapter 1

This is the first chapter in the Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Second Edition.

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What is Computer Graphics?
The use of computers to create or manipulate images.
Define Modeling
It deals with the mathematical specification of shape and appearance properties in a way that can be stored on the computer.
Define Rendering
Deals with the creation of shaded images from 3D computer models.
Define Animation
A technique to create an illusion of motion through sequences of images.
Define Image Processing
Deals with the manipulation of 2D images and is used in both the fields of graphics and vision.
Define application program interface (API)
A software interface that provides a model for how an application program can access system functionality, such as drawing an image into a window.
Define Callback
Refers to the process of using function pointers or virtual functions to pass a reference to a function.
What is a model?
It uses mathematical primitives such as spheres, cubes, cones, and polygons describe 3D objects.
What is a 3D graphics pipeline?
It is a special software/hardware subsystem that efficiently draws 3D primitives in perspective.
Draws triangles in a valid back-to-front order. It is a special memory buffer that solves the problem in a brute force manner.
A standard way to represent numbers on the computer.
IEEE floating point standard
This is a valid number that is larger than all other valid numbers.
Minus Infinity
This is a valid number that is smaller than all other valid numbers.
Not a number (NaN)
This is an invalid number that arises from an operation with undefined consequences, such as zero divided by zero.
+a/(+infinite) =