France Revolution

World history on fran

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Why did French noble become concerned?
They were concerned by the continued violence by the ideas of the third estate
What date did the French nobles give up their power?
August 4, 1789
What were three effects when the French nobles gave up their power?
1. Abolition of feudal dues 2. Would now have to pay taxes 3. All male citizens could hold government, army, or church positions
What French declaration article was inspired by the American Declaration of Independence?
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
When was the French declaration written?
August 1789
Is the declaration France's consititution today? What did it incorporate?
Yes Ideas of the Enlightenment writers
What did the French constitution guarantee? What did it protect against? Did these rights apply to women?
1. Guaranteed freedom of speech, press and religion 2. Protected against arbitary arrest and punishment 3. No, these rights did not apply to women
T/F: Louis XVI accepted the new reforms and declaration
False, he did not accept the reforms or declaration
What happened October 1789?
Thousands of women demanded bread and marched to the king's palace; fear of violence made the king, queen, and national assembly move to Paris
How did the National Assembly take action in order to solve France's financial problems?
They confiscated church land and sold it and in exchange the govt. assumed all church expenses (supporting the clergy and helping the poor)
In 1790 what did the National Assembly pass? What did it state?
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy which stated that each parish elect its own priest
Who condemned the revolution? What was the result of this condemnation?
Pope Pius VI; two Catholic churches in France. One loyal to the govt and another to the pope
What year did the National Assembly present a new consitution to the people?
How did the new constitution effect the monarchy power?
Kept it but limited its power
What did the National Assembly set up, whose members were chosen by voters?
An unicameral leg