NVC Chapter 5: Crafting Your Value Proposition and Branding

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Core beliefs.
What the business might become.
Strategic intent
A strong underlying vision of what a company might become.
Design thinking (customer-centric design)
A loose set of holistic concepts that approach design from the perspective of solving complex problems for people, rather than just creating distinctive objects or shapes.
Values-driven marketing (Marketing 3.0)
An approach to marketing which involves developing deep relationships with customers based upon shared values.
Relationship marketing
Techniques that enable companies to form loyal relationships with customers.
Marketing 3.0 (Values-driven marketing)
An approach to marketing which involves developing deep relationships with customers based upon shared values.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
The combination of business ethics, social responsibility and environmental sustainability.
Sustainable entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship where issues of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, ethics and good corporate governance are at the core of the ‘for-profit’ commercial enterprise. It is about meeting the needs of today through profit without prejudicing the future.
Unincorporated association
Informal association of individuals that can form (and re-form) quickly – similar to sole traders or informal partnerships.
Mission statement
The formal statement of business purpose – what the business aims to achieve and how it will achieve it.