Raskin - Chapter 11

90 cards   |   Total Attempts: 246

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12-step programs
Self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous that see addiction as disease; by following the 12 steps (see Table 11.5), group members recover from their addictions.
Drug to treat addiction that reduces cravings by targeting glutamate; trade name Campral.
A chemical metabolite left over after the liver breaks down alcohol; when people drink a lot, their bodies can’t break down acetalaldehyde quickly enough, resulting in hangover symptoms.
Neurotransmitter that plays a role in muscle movement, arousal, memory, and learning.
A non-diagnostic term that has often referred to being unable to stop using a substance and continuing use despite negative consequences; in recent times, also refers to problematic behaviors such as excessive shopping, internet use, and sexual activity.
Addictive personality
Supposed set of personality traits that predisposes people to addiction—most commonly antisocial traits such as societal rule breaking, impulsivity, aggression, and lack of empathy.
A depressant drug found in many popular beverages (also called ethanol or ethyl alcohol).
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
A 10-item World Health Organization inventory to assess problem drinking and alcohol dependence; shortened versions such as the 3-item AUDIT-C have also been developed for even quicker assessment.
Non-diagnostic term for people who have difficulty managing their alcohol use.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
The largest and most well-known 12-step group for recovering alcoholics.
Laboratory-manufactured stimulants; includes amphetamine (trade name Benzedrine), dextroamphetamine (trade name Dexedrine), and methamphetamine (trade name Methedrine).
Behavioral addictions
Addictions involving behaviors rather than substances; includes activities such as excessive gambling, sex, eating, and shopping.
Binge drinking
Having five or more drinks on one occasion.
Blood alcohol content
Amount of alcohol in the blood stream.
A mild and commonly used stimulant found in many plants, including those used to make coffee, tea, chocolate, and soft drinks; increases alertness and energy while providing a sense of well-being.