Raskin - Chapter 3

91 cards   |   Total Attempts: 239

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4P model of case formulation
Model of formulation in which clinicians gather information about four areas: (1) preconditions; (2) precipitating factors; (3) perpetuating factors; and (4) protective factors.
ABC recording
Behavioral assessment technique that involves directly observing and recording client behaviors (“B”), while also writing down their antecedents (what comes before them, or “A”) and their consequences (what comes after them, or “C”); the goal is to assess how antecedents and consequences maintain a behavior.
Successful performance following learning.
Clinical term for “emotion.”
Algorithimic model
Diagnostic approach in which clinicians observe countable criteria; used in DSM.
Analogue behavioral observation
Type of behavioral assessment used to arrive at a functional analysis in which a person is naturally observed in an environment established by the clinician/researcher.
Gathering information to understand or diagnose a person’s difficulties.
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
21-item self-administered inventory for measuring depression.
Behavioral Assessment
Identifies conditions in the environment that sustain undesirable behaviors.
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
Neuropsychological test consisting of nine cards with geometrical designs; test-takers are asked to examine the designs and then draw them from memory; difficulty doing so is often interpreted as an indicator of brain damage.
Big Five
The five traits measured by the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.
Biological measures used to make diagnoses; DSM and ICD disorders cannot yet be diagnosed using them, but they are widely sought in psychiatric research.
Brain waves
The electrical activity of neurons firings.
Categorical diagnosis
Approach to diagnosis where similar patterns of symptoms and signs are grouped into categories and distinguished as distinct disorders; disorders are divided into discrete and mutually exclusive categories.
Clinical interview
Assessment procedure in which clinician talks to client to gather information about the presenting problem.