FDNS Lesson 9

Final FDNS  

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What percent of the North American population is aged 65 and older?
Average life expectancy in the United States is __ years.
The greatest dietary improvement in the older adult population would be to eat more:
Whole grains
Animal studies show that an energy-restricted diet that meets micronutrient needs can prolong healthy life. T/F
Of all physiologic changes that occur during aging, the biggest effect on nutritional status is due to the shifts in the ___ system.
Many individuals experience a decline in ___ with aging.
[ ] a. body water [X] b. lean body mass (muscle) [ ] c. body minerals
Elderly people have a stronger sense of thirst as compared to younger people.t.f
According to national intake data, which of the following do older adults tend to consume in sufficient amounts?
Adequate fiber intake is associated with decreases in:
[ ] a. diverticular disease [ ] b. non-insulin dependent diabetes [ ] c. coronary heart disease [ ] d. hypertension
In general, adequate carbohydrate intake is not a problem in the elderly. t/f
Eggs, which have high cholesterol content, are a nutrient-dense, convenient, and safe food for most people who do not have a lipid disorder. T/F
Age-related metabolic changes affect vitamin D status, primarily due to:
[X] a. decreased ability of the skin to synthesize previtamin D3
Many of the elderly may be unable to utilize vitamin B12 due to existing:
[X] c. atrophic gastritis
Older adults are more likely to overdose with ___ than to be deficient in this nutrient.
Vit. A
The need for ___ decreases with aging for women after menopause.