EXternal Bony Landmarks

External bony landmarks as related to human anatomy

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Mastoid Tips
(behind the ear)
1st Cervical Vertebra
(Angle of Mandible)
2nd & 3rd Cervical Vertebrae
(C2 & C3)
Thyroid Cartilage
4th and 5th Cervical Vertebrae
(C4 & C5)
Vertebral Prominens
7th Cervical Vertebra
(C7, end of cervical spine)
Jugular/Manubrial Notch
2nd Thoracic Vertebra
Sternal Angle
4th Thoracic Vertebra
Inferior Aspect of the Scapula
7th Thoracic Vertebra
(center pt for chest x-ray with this lower margin)
Xiphoid Tip of Sternum
9th &10th Thoracic Vertebrae
(T9 & T10)
Lateral Aspect of the Iliac Crest
Inferior Margin of the 4th Lumbar Vertebra
Retroperitoneal Space
Between T12 and L3
(3 inches above the iliac crest)
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
Mid-sacral spine region
Lumbosacral Junction
Halfway between Iliac Crest and Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
Pubic Symphysis
(of the Anterior Pelvic Bones)
Inferior Aspect of the Abdominopelvic Cavity
Ischial Tuberosity of the Posterior Pelvic Bones
(1.5 inches inferior to the pubic symphysis)
Represents the inferior aspect of the abdominopelvic cavity
Greater Trochanter of the Femur
(1.5 inches superior to the pubic symphysis)
Represents the inferior aspect of the abdominopelvic cavity