Exploration Test Review

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Causes of Exploration
1. Gold 2. Glory 3. God 4. Gadgets
Effects of Exploration
1. Slavery 2. Colonization 3. Spread Ideas 4. French & Indian War 5. Treaty of Tordesailles 6. Aztecs & Incas are conquered 7. Trade Increases
What was the result of the French & Indian War?
The British defeat the French. They gain most of North America.
Causes of Slavery
1. Needed cheap labor 2. Incas & Aztecs die out 3. Large plantations 4. Another form of trade
Effects of Slavery
1. Racism 2. Cultural diffusion 3. 9.5 million slaves brought over 4. Families torn apart 5. Middle Passage
Similarities between Aztecs & Incas
1. Both worship sun god 2. Both were polytheistic 3. Both killed by weapons & disease 4. Both had powerful empires
Differences between Aztecs & Incas
1. Location(Aztecs-Mexico; Incas-Peru) 2. Aztecs gave sacrifices
What was life like aboard the slave ships?
Brutal; They lived in their own waste. They were chained up & beaten. Many killed themselves.
Define Capitalism
Economic system from private ownership; using money to make profit.
Define Mercantilism
A theory that a country's power depended on it's wealth.
What were some good things about the Columbian Exchange?
It was a global trade system. People could get the goods they needed
What were some bad things about the Columbian Exchange?
Middle Passage; Some things weren't so good for trade. (ex: slaves & disease)
Part of the 'triangular trade route', what part carried the slaves from Africa to the Americas?
The Middle Passage
First to sail around the southern tip of Africa
Vasco de Gama
First the reach the tip of Africa