Explain the Mood Physcology Vocabulary Flashcards

To study for NCEA Lev

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Aspects of Setting
Time, place, atmosphere or mood, weather, social/historic/economic background
Aspects of Character
Physical appearance, personality, behaviour, things they do, attitude, things they say/think/feel, things people say, think, feel about them, hopes, dreams, dialogue
Aspects of theme
Key idea, message, symbol, motif, tone, any imagery, characterisation
Aspects of action
Plot details, pace, actions and reactions, structure, narrativ arc
Word connotations, symbols and motifs, similes, metaphors, sound devices, repitition, interesting or unexpected word choice.
Use of contrasting ideas, juxtaposition of ideas, listing
Narrative (beginning, middle, end), Argument (point one, two three, conclusion), Poetic (stanza one, two, three) Could include change in tone. Could be circular (return to beginning for satisfying closure)
Narrative points of view
First (I, we) to express own feelings, be immediate, create empathy/relate to, third person (he, she, they, Susan, John) to express a range of feelings, sense of distance/authorial overview, range of perspectives
Text conventions of fiction writing
Lots of description, characterisation, narrative
Text conventions of non fiction writing
Lots of fact, statistics, formal, development of an argument (rhetorical question, imperitives, anecdotes, personal pronouns) maybe jargon.
Text conventions of poetry
Figurative language, unexpected punctuation, unusual layout, poetic devices, rhyme, rhythm, repitition