English Odyssey Final Test (Characters)

Important characters shown throughout THE ODYSSEY

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Who is Odysseus? And what role does he play in the Odyssey?
Son of Leartes, husband to Penelope, Father to Telemachus, and king of Ithica and its surrounding islands. He infuriates Poseidon and spends all of the book struggling through trials and challenges which Poseidon inflicts as revenge.
Who is Athena? How has she affected the plot of the story, and what is her importance?
A goddess, daughter of Zeus, defender of the Achaeans. She is the goddess of resourcefulness and ingenuity. Odysseus is her FAVORITE among the Greeks and aids him through many very difficult trials.
Who is Penelope? What is her role in this story?
She is the wife of Odysseus, Mother of Telemachus, and queen of Ithica. She is one of the main reasons why Odysseus wants to return home so eagerly.
Who is Zeus? How has he affected the plot of the Odyssey/Odysseus?
KING OF GODS. He is the God of weather, sky, and lightening. His spheres are hospitality and the rights of GUESTS AND SUPPLIANTS (a main theme in this Poem), the punishment of injustice, the sending of omens, and GOVERNS the universe ( some is controlled by fate)
Who are the Cicones?
Trojan allies, living in Thrace, to the north of troy.
Who is Telemachus? What is his role in this story?
Son of Odysseus and Penelope, and is the heir to the throne of Ithica.
Who is Poseidon? How has he affect Odysseus' journey home? Why?
God of the sea, younger brother of Zues, father of Polyphemus, and a persistent enemy of Odysseus. He has tried in every possible way to delay Odysseus from returning home because Odysseus blinded his son, the Cyclops, Polyphemus. He delays Odysseus 20 years.
Who are the Lotus Eaters? How have the played a part in this story?
Legendary People visited BY Odysseus and his men, They live on a plant whose fruit induces stupor and forgetfulness of home. Tempt many of Odysseus' men in eating ht efruit and almost causing them to stay on the island with the Lotus Eaters forever.
Who is Polyphemus (The Cyclops)?
Cyclops, Son of Poseidon, and was blinded by ODYSSEUS.
Who is Aeolus? What role has he played in this story? What is his importance?
Master of the winds !Father of Cretheus.
Who are the Laestrygonians? How have they affected Odysseus and his journey home? Positively, or Negatively?
Legendary clan of giant cannibals.
Who is Circe, and how has she effected Odysseus and his men?
Goddess/enchantress of Aeaea, who changes men into swine
Who is Tiresias? What is his significance?
Blind seer of THEBES who retains his prophetic powers even in the underworld. Tells ODysseus if he is going to get home
Who are the Sirens? How have they impacted Odysseus and his men on their journey?
Enchantresses of the sea, whose song can tempt a sailor to his ruin.
Who is Scylla? Why is she significant?
Man-eating monster that lives in a cliff side cavern opposite the whirlpool of Charybdis.