Economics Vocab - Ch. 23

All the vocab and key terms included in the review section of McConnell, Brue, and Flynn's Economics.  

I made these flash cards so I can study the vocab in the chapters well.

I in NO WAY claim these definitions as my own words!!!  They are all in the back of the book.

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
The business cycle
Recurring increases and decreases in the level of economic activity over periods of years; consists of peak, recession, through, and expansion phases
A period of declining real GDP, acoompanied by lower real income and higher unemployment
Real GDP (gross domestic product)
Gross domestic product adjusted for inflation; gross domestic product in a year divided by the GDP price index for that year, the index expresed as a decimal
Nominal GDP
Answer coming soon
The failure to use all available economic recourcesto produce desired goods and services; the failure of the economy to fully employ its labor force
The rise of the general level of prices in an economy
Modern economic growth
The historically recent phenomenon in which nations for the first time have experianced sustained increases in real GDP per capita
The accumulation of funds that results when people in an economy spend less (consume less) then their incomes during a given time period
In economics, spending for the production and accumulation of capital and additions to inventories
Financial investment
The purchase of financial asset (such as a stock, bond, or mutural fund) or real asset (such as a house, land, or factories) or the building of such assets in the expectation of financial gain
Economic investment
In economics, spending for the production and accumulation of capital and additions to inventories
The anticipations of soncumers, firms, and others about future economic conditions
Sudden unexpected changes in demand or supply
Demand shocks
Sudden unexpected changes in demand
Supply shocks
Sudden unexpected changes in supply