Earth Science Internal Processes Flashcards

What do you know about Earth Science Internal Processes? Using the flashcards below, assured of getting a more profound understanding of some of the commonly used terms in Earth Science Internal Processes. How about you give them a quick read! 

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is viscosity?
Viscosity is resistance to flow.
How do metamorphic rocks form?
Metamorphic rocks form when pre-existing rocks are subjected to heat and/or pressure.
Describe the eruption of a shield volcano
This eruption is relativley quiet due to the fluid nature of the magma. Low viscosity magma does not trap gases that lead to violent explosions.
What is Pahoehoe lava?
Pahoehoe lava is a relatively fluid lava (low viscosity) that is mafic in nature.
What is mafic magma or lava?
Mafic magma or lava has a high magnesium and iron content. This forms oceanic crust. It is low viscosity
What is felsic magma or lava?
Felsic magma or lava has a high feldspar and quartz (silicon dioxide) content. This forms continental crust. It is high viscosity.
What type of rock does felsic magma form?
Felsic magma forms the granitic igneous and metamorphic rock the of continental crust.
What is a flood basalt?
A flood basalt is a very large scale outpouring of mafic lava from fissures in the Earth's crust. It forms layers of basalt.Example:Columbia Plateau
What is Aa lava?
Aa lava is felsic lava generally found at composite volcanoes.
What is subduction?
Subduction occurs when one tectonic plate overridesa another. The plate at the bottom moves downward into the asthenosphere.
What type of land feature can occur at subduction zones?
Land features include island arcs such as Japan or the Aleutian Islands.
What oceanic feature is found at subduction zones?
Oceanic trenches are found at subductions zones.
Describe a convergent boundary.
Convergent boundaries occur when two tectonic plates move toward each other. The ycan colide or one can be subducted under another.
Why do tectonic plates move?
They move because of convection loops in the asthenosphere. Plates are "dragged" along by the movement of the currents in the asthenosphere.
How does a ridge and valley mountain system form?
This system forms as a result of compressional forces folding rock layers into a series of anticlines and synclines