Domain I: Disconnection and Rejection

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Abandonment and Instability.
This schema refers to an individual's belief tst any close relationship they form will soon come to an end.
This schema refers to an individual;'s belief that anyone they come into contact with is likely to take advantage of them in some way - hurting or cheating on them, or putting them down.
Emotional Deprivation.
This schema refers to an individual's belief that others will not meet their emotional needs, including nurturance, empathy, affection, protevyon and guidance.
All of the schemas in this domain refer to the belie of the individual that their needs for safety, security, stability, nurturance and empathy will not be met consistently or predictably in relationships with their loved ones.
Social Isolation/Alienation.
A person with this schema believes that they are isolated from and different to others and tehrefore that they do not belong to the community.
A person who has this schema believes that he or she is internallty flawed, and that this will cause others to back away from them. This belief causes the person to feel a strong sense of shame.
Social Undesirability.
An individual who has this schema sees themselves as physically unattractive, socially inept and of lo status, and believe that others also see them this way.
Failure to Achieve.
An individual ith this schema has severe, perhaps unfounded doubts about their capacity to achieve academically, socially, professionally or within leisure activities, in comparison with often. Often these individuals avoid situations where they feel they will fail to achieve.