Directional Terms for Anatomy Lab Flashcards

Here is the set of flashcards based on the Directional Terms for Anatomy Lab. Learn everything about the Directional Terms for Anatomy Lab and become a master of this topic with quiz based flashcards.

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Superior (cephalic)
Above. ex.the head is * to the neck
Inferior (caudal)
Below ex. the neck is * to the head
Closer to the front of body ex.the lips are * to the teeth
Posterior (dorsal)
Closer to back of body ex.the teeth are * to the lips
Closer to midline of body ex.the nose is * to the eyes
Farther form the midline of body ex. the eyes are * to the nose
Bewteen 2 structures ex. the elbow is * between the shoulder and wrist
On same side of body ex. the right arm and right leg are *
On opposite sides of body ex.the right arm and left arm are *
Nearer to point of attachment of limb to trunk ex. the elbow is * to the wrist
Farther from point of attachment of limb to trunk ex.the wrist is * to ther elbow
Closer to surface of body ex. the skin is * to the muscles
Farther from surface of body ex. the muscles are deep to ther skin