Digestive System Midtern #2

More digestiv e system

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The secretory and absorptive layer
Layer composed of at least two muscle layers...
Muscular's Externa
Connective tissue layer, containing blood, lymph vessels and nerves...
Outermost layer of the wall..visceral peritoneum
What are the three main pairs of salivary glands, and in what part of the oral cavity do the ducts of each gland open?
Parotoid gland, submandibular gland, sublingual gland
What are the two main cell types found in the salivary glands, and what are their secretions?
Secous cells produce watery secretions containing enzymes, and mucous
What are the two digestive enzymes are found in saliva?
Lysozyme and Lingual (Lypase)
What enzyme found in saliva inhibits bacterial growth?
The first set of teeth is called the ________ teeth
Material covering the tooth root...
Hardest substance in the body, covers the tooth crowns
Attaches the tooth to bone and surrounding alveolar structures..
Periodontal membrane
Forms the bulk of tooth structure..similar to the bone