Dentition Symbols Systems

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15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Name two types of dentition and the number of teeth in each.
Primary dentition 20 teeth. Secondary dentition 32 teeth.
Name the different arches. How many teeth are present in a primary arch and how many in a secondary mandibular arch?
Maxillary arch and Mandibular arch. 10 teeth in primary arch, 16 in secondary mandibular arch.
List the number of different quadrants.
Four quadrants. upper right , upper left, lower right and lower left.
Are any primary teeth succedaneous? If not, why not?
No, because by definition only a premanent tooth succede or replace a deciduous tooth,
Name all the nonsuccedaneous premanent teeth.
All the maxillary and mandibular permanent Molars.
Are secondary molars nonsuccedaneou?
A dentition composed of both primary and secondary teeth is called a __?
Mixed dentition.
How many dentitions exits?
Three. Primary ( deciduous), Secondary ( permanent) and Mixed dentition.
Identify the follwing in the Universal System: a) numbers 3, 5, 19, 28, 32
3 - Permanent maxillary right 1st molar 5 - Permanent maxillary right 1st premolar 19-Permanent mandibular left 1st molar 28-Permanent mandibular right 1st premolar 32-Premanent mandibular right 3rd molar
Identify the follwing in the Universal System: b) letters A, E, J, M, S
A- Deciduous maxillary right 2nd molar E- Deciduous maxillary right central incisor J- Deciduous maxillary left 2nd molar M- Deciduous mandibular left canine S- Deciduous mandibular right 1st molar
Give the correct Universal System symbol for the following: a) primary maxillary left central b) primary mandibular right 1st molar c) primary maxillary right canine d) permanent maxillary right 2nd premolar e) permanent mandibular right central incisor
A) F b) S c) C d) 4 e) 25
Translate the following symbols of the Palmer system into the symbols of the Universal system: a) Permanent maxillary left 3rd molar b) Deciduous maxillary right 2nd molar c) Permanent maxillary left central incisor d) Permanent maxillary right 1st Molar
A) 16 b) A c) 9 d) 3
Give the Palmer, Universal and FDI symbols for the Permanent mandibular right first molar.
Palmer- 6, Universal - 30 and FDI - 46
Give the Universal, Palmer and FDI symbols for the following: a) P. Maxillary right central b) P Mandibular left canine c) D. Mandibular left 2nd molar d) D. Maxillary right lateral e) P. Maxillary right 2nd premolar
A) 8, 1, 11 b) 22, 3, 33 c) K, E, 75 d) D, B, 52 e) 4, 5, 15
Give the Universal, Palmer and FDI symbols for the following: f) P. Maxillary left 3rd molar g) D. Mandibular left canine h) P Mandibular left 1st molar i) P. Maxillary right canine d) D. Maxillary left 1st molar
F) 16, 8, 28 g) M, C, 73 h) 30, 4, 34 i) 6, 3, 13 d) i, D, 64