CRJU Corrections Test 1

This is a Flashcard set for my Criminal Justice Corrections Course.

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What is corrections?
- A collection of agencies that attempt to control the behavior of people accused or convicted of crime- Includes: probation, jails, prisons and parole
Mission of corrections
-Execute the sentence of the court-Protect society -surveillance and control of offenders, treatment and rehab, incapacitation (includes the death penalty)
3 major components of the CJ system
Police/law enforcementCourts/administration of justiceCorrections/probation, incarceration, and parole
Final Stages in the CJ process
Executes convicted offenders sentencesOften supervise offenders released pretrial
What is the most common correctional punishment
Expectations for corrections
Punish criminalsPrevent crime through deterrence and incapacitationReduce propensity to commit future crimes thru treatment and rehab
Wedding Cake
Top Layer - Celebrated Cases2nd Layer - Serious Felonies3rd Layer - Lesser Felonies4th Layer - Misdemeanors(traffic infractions not included)
Role of Corrections
Designed to be external social control
Social Control
A set of methods designed to encourage or force people to obey norms in a particular culture(to enforce conformity)
Shared expectations about how to behave or ideas about how to achieve our values
"enacted norms" may not be a legal response
"enacted norms" written by specialists put in manuals or codes and applied by specialists
Views of corrections
Utilitarian and Moralist
Greatest good for the greatest number
Do what is right, no matter, what is costs