Cosmetology Exam Review Flashcards

Start Studying and prepare for the Cosmetology Exam with our easy and simple flashcard quizzes. Learn key terms, vocabulary, and definitions, and much more of the Cosmetology Exam with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease.

43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 202

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The stratum germinativum is the deepest layer of the epidermis and is responsible for
Growth of the epidermis
The outermost layer, directly beneath the epidermis is the
Papillary layer
Cells that are alomost dead and pushed to the surface to replace cells are shed from the
Stratum granulosum layer
The deepest layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and mutrients and contains sweat and oil glands is the
Reticular layer
A tube like duct that ends at the skin surface to form the sweat pore is the
Secretory coil
The portion of the living skin on which the nail plate sits is the
Nail bed
Nail cells are formed in what part of the nail stucture
The visible part of the matrix that extends underneath the living skin is the
The dead colorless tissue attached to the nail plate is the
The nail plate is constructed of
100 layers of nail cell
The length, width, and curvature of nails are determined by the
Matrix shape
Average rate of nail growth in a normal adult is
1/10 inch per month
The nail has a water contents of about
15 to 25 percent
Two main part of a mature hair strand are the
Hair shaft and the hair root
A tubelike depression or pocket inthe skin or scalp that contains the hair root is the