Computer Glossaries to ASIR

This is a glossarie of computer definitions

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Question 1
Who is a router?
Computing a device which forwards data packets to the appropriate parts of a network.
How many network layers are in OSI?
7 network layers
Question 3
What are the network layers of OSI?
7- Aplication6- Presentation5- Sesion4- Transport3- Network2- Data link1- Physical
Who is a protocol?
Protocol is a set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices.
A small port on your computer that you can attach drives to.
Answer 5
Any program on the computer is....
The tool you use to type words on to the computer
Answer 7
The brain of a computer is the...
Answer 8
What is the first software use the PC?
Answer 9
A set of computer instructions in firmware which control input and output operations.
How is the root directory of the UNIX File System represented?
The root directory of the UNIX File System represented with a '/' (Forward Slash)
Where are most commands and directories needed by the user located?
Most commands and directories needed by the user are located in the /bin: directory.
Files that work with remote or local devices are located in the _________ directory?
Files that work with remote or local devices are located in the /dev: directory.
Who is a blog?
A website containing the writer’s personal experience.
The Email is
A system for sending and receiving messages on the internet.
To change the capital letters, you must press the...
Shift key