Characteristics of Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry and Plays

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Writing about things that are made up or created in the imagination.
Writing that is based on factual information. Examples of this type of writing include TFK magazines and books that give facts on vertebrate animals.
Stories that are written to be performed onstage by actors. The story is told through dialogue spoken by the characters.
Writing that presents ideas by using creative language, rhythm, and sound. It may or may not rhyme.
This type of writing always includes a narrator.
This sentence contains an example of a simile.
Our new student, Emily, is as quiet as a mouse.
Figure of speech that makes a comparison of two unlike things, using the words like or as.
This sentence contains an example of personification.
The wind whispered in my ear.
This sentence countains an example of a metaphor.
Jimmy's legs were jiggling jelly as he stepped over the finish line.
When the author of a fiction book chooses to make animals talk, what type of figurative language is he using?
Figurative language
Language that appeals to the senses and creates a mental picture.
This type of writing may contain stanzas.
This sentence contains an onomatopoeia.
I know my cat is awake when I hear "jingle, jingle."
A true book written about Daniel Boone is an example of this type of writing.
If someone writes a true story about his/her own life it is called an......