Chapter 9 Motivation

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Scotiabank's Atlantic Customer Contact Centre located in Halifax - recognizes its employees is at the core of scotiabanls values
- they provide public recognition for its employees, and provided a variety of awards and gift certificates to acknowledge their accomplishments

What management uses and what employees rate as important
- employees reated promotions, time off, and money as the top three important recognition invitives
- Atlantic Customer contact centre had Job promotion (4), Paid Time off (6) and cash (5) - in terms of frequency of use
The largest gap between what management uses and what employees prefer is notes and cards :
- notes and cards as their least PERFERRED recognition incentive, mangagers ranked this initiative as their SECOND HIGHEST used recognition incentive
Employees ranked additional training as being
- important
- their fifith choice
- where as managers ranked this initiative as last on the list
So what did atlantic customer contact centre do?
- it listened to its poeple and worked at providing the things that actually motivated emplyees additional training and job promotion opportnities, formal recognition initiatives, and increased focus on work-life balance
Why do people behave the way they do at work?What motivates them?
- to be motivated means to be moved to do something
- motivation involves the energy that an individual applies to work
- an internal set of discretionary, psychological processes that arouse, direct, and maintain attention and behaviour toward attaining goal
Mitchell and Daniels (2003) highlighted how these three psychological processes operate:
- Arousal
- Direction
- Intensity
Mitchell and Daniels (2003) highlighted how these three psychological processes operate:
- arousal
- brought about by an unfilled need or some discrepancy between your current and desired or expected state
Mitchell and Daniels (2003) highlighted how these three psychological processes operate:
- direction
- the focus of arousal, creating a goal, and the resulting behaviour
Mitchell and Daniels (2003) highlighted how these three psychological processes operate:
- intensity
- the maintenance of attention and behvaiour towards attaining a goal; depends on the importance and attainability of the goal
Mitchell and Daniels (2003) highlighted how these three psychological processes operate:
- these three processes them impact our behaviour (ultimately our performance) in four ways
- focus our ATTENTION on a particular task, goal, or behaviour
- define the amount of EFFORT we put into a task
- how long we PERSIST at the task
- define our TASK STRATEGIES, which affect the way we do the task or behaviour
Motivational levels and motivators vary not only across individuals but also
- within individuals
- motivation levels differ not only within each person at different times
When motivating employees, we may typically think in terms of
- improving productivitiy or increasing performance in some manner
Outcomes to include organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) whcih are
- work behaviours that dont directly support the core job tasks but that support the broader social and psychological context at work