Chapter 5 - Nativism and Racism

Race and E thnic Re

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Authoritatian Personality
A personality syndrome in which the individual is rigidly conventional, submissive, uncritical of in-group authority, preoccupied with power and "toughness," sexually inhibited, and intolerant of people who are members of out-groups.
Collective violence theory
Maintains that there is little likelihood of racial and ethnic conflict when ethnic and racial groups occupy segregated areas and there is little competition for jobs and resources. This theory proposes that riots occur when racial or ethnic groups must compete for scarce jobs. Collective violence is even more likely when migration increases in numbers of workers competing for those scarce jobs.
Creed-deed discrepancy
A gap between what people say they believe and their actions.
The belief that social differences arise mainly because of different enviormental circumstances.
Estimates of heritability
Estimates of the extent to which various individual traits are biologically inherited.
Free-floating hostility
Hostility that may be released aggressively against a wide variety of targets.
Fundamental attribution error
A strong tendency to overestimate the importance of attitudes and to underestimate the importance of situational factors as causes of behavior.
The belief that the social differences among groups arise mainly because of genetically inherited differences.
Actions and policies based on the hostility of natives toward foreigners.
Usually refers to an unfavorable attitude, and perhaps an unfavorable action, toward people who are members of particular racial or ethnic groups; it may or may not specify the type of relationship that exists between unfavorable attitudes and actions; and the idea of group ranking may be more or less salient.
A safe, convenient substitute target of aggression.
Scientific racism
A set of beliefs that includes: 1. the belief that racial and ethnic groups form a natural hierarchy of superiors and inferiors 2. the belief that the White race is superior to the non-White races 3. the belief that within the White race the "Nordic" segment is superior to other segments.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
A cycle, often vicious, that begins with a false definition of the situation that evokes a new behavior that makes the originally false conception come true.