Chapter 22 US History

Chapter 22 US History

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The policy of establishing colonies and building empires
Separation from the political affairs of other countries
The mutual lowering of tariff barriers
The settlement of a dispute by an impartial group
Austrian Prince installed by Napoleon as Mexico's Emperor
Charles Sumner
Claimed that Britain owed America $2 billion dollars
William Seward
Secretary of State that helped acquire Alaska
3. Show how the French challenged the Monroe Doctrine in 1861.
• After Mexican debts were paid, all countries left but French remained
• France ignored the Monroe Doctrine and Napoleon III overthrew the Republic of Mexico
• Took advantage of Civil War
4. Describe two instances of confrontation with Great Britain that were settled by arbitration.
• Charles Sumner claimed that GB owed US $2 billion in damages from Civil War
• Britain did not want to risk war in Canada so Britain paid $15.5 million in the Treaty of Washington.
• President Cleveland requested that British put Venezuela-British Guiana boundary dispute to arbitration.
• US felt it violated Monroe Doctrine
• Britain said it did not apply
5. Understanding Cause and Effect How did the writings of Captain Alfred T. Mahan lead to expanding the American navy?
• Mahan’s writings expressed that a modern nation needed sea power in order to become great
• Writings were read by leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt and it lead to more ships being built such 3 more battleships
The refusal to take sides
Enrique Dupuy De Lome:
Spanish ambassador who called McKinley “weak and a bidder for the admiration for the crowd”
Yellow Journalism:
• Fanned public anger and exaggerated and fabricated stories
• Sold papers and encouraged war
• Printed letter from Enrique Dupoy Lome
• Papers blamed Spain for the Maine’s explosion and “Remember the Maine” became the battle cry
3. List the key events leading to war with Spain over Cuba.
• Cuban people were placed in “reconcentration camps” where many died
• US followed isolationism until Yellow Journalism started to encourage war
• McKinley demanded that Spain give Cuba independence and thus Congress demanded that Spain evacuate the island.
• Spain did not reply
5. How did the United States justify going to war with Spain given a previous policy of noninvolvement?
• Cleveland warned that if “the useless sacrifice of human life” went on, the United States would abandon the policy
• McKinley demanded that Spain give Cuba independence.
• Congress demanded that Spain evacuate the island, no reply was made