Chapter 15 AP Psychology Intelligence

Chapter 15 intelligence unit test
AP Psychology

73 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Intelligence tests
Test for assessing a person's mental abilities and comparing them with the abilities of other people, by means of numerical scores
Alfred Binet
French psychologist that assessed intellectual abilities for french student. his test objectified students that would need extra help or had a learning disability. His test ran by comparing mental age to chronological. believed:mental aptitude is like athletic aptitude and is a general capacity that shows up in different ways. DID NOT MEASURE INBORN INTELLIGENCE
Lewis Terman
Created the IQ(intelligence quotient), Standford-Binet testing
extended range from teens to adults
most test no longer compute IQ bc it doesnt work well for adults
today, tests are standardized with the rest of the population
racial differences in results
Mental age
A measure of intelligence test performance by binet, it is the chronological age that most corresponds with a given level of performance
Not a thing, but its the ability to learn form experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.
Factor analysis
A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items (common themes) called factors on a test. it identifies different dimensions of performance that underlie ones total score
Charles spearman
There is a general intelligences or (g) factor that underlies the specific factors. People have special abilities that stand out. Those who score high on one factor will score high on another area
tendency for different abilities to come in the same pacakage.
L.L. Thurstone
Opponent of spearman, gave 56 different tests identifying eight PRIMARY MENTAL ABILITIES. didnt rank on a single scale of general aptitude. some evidence of g factor since there was small tendency for those who excelled in one area to do so on others
Howard gardner
Supports thurstones idea of multiple intelligences
brain damage may diminish one type of ability but not others
studied people with exceptional abilities esp savant
EIGHT: word, number, music, space, body, self, people, and snature smarts
Savant syndrome
A condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill like computation or drawing
Flaw of general intelligences score
Tells you overall rating, but doesnt tell you about the specifics
Robert sternberg
Agrees w/ gardner & multiple intellgiences, but uses triarchal theory
Triarchal theory
Analytical: academic problem solving that is assessbed by intelligence tests, which present well defined problems ahving a single right answer
creative: reacting adaptively to novel situations and generating novel ideas
practical: common sense, multiple solutions, street smarts
Mayer's emotional l intelligence
The abilitt to understand, express, and percieve and regulate emotions
critical part of social intelligence and not related to academic aptitude
ppl can manage emotions w/out overwhelming and delay gratitude
women better at it than men (domestication/motherhood?)
Mayer salovey and caruso create the multifactor emtotional intelligence scale to assess overall emotional intelligence and 3 component
PERCIEVE EMOTIONS (recognizing them)
UNDERSTAND(how they change, and predict differing ones)