Chapter 15 - The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Reflexes

Chapter 15 - The Auto

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A motor nervous system that controls glands, cardiac and smooth muscle to maintain homeostasis, actions are involuntary
ANS - Autonomic
Slower than somatic reflexes, include a visceral reflex arc, Example Elevated BP; baroreceptors stretch receptors (aorta & carotid), glossopharyngeal n., medulla, vagus n., heart pacemaker cells
Visceral Reflexes
(receptor, afferent neurons, interneurons, efferent neurons, effectors),
Visceral reflex arc
Mainly adapts body for activity, (“fight or flight”)
Mainly a calming effect, reduced energy expenditure, normal body maintenance (“rest & digest”)
Background rate of activity from both divisions
Autonomic Tone
Control nuclei in hypothalamus and other brain stem regions, motor neurons in SC, peripheral ganglia and fibers in cranial and spinal nerves, pathway involves 2 neurons
Neural Pathways
Soma in brainstem or SC, ends in ganglion
Begins in ganglion and extends to target cells
Post ganglionic
Short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers, cell bodies in lateral horns and nearby gray matter of SC, fibers exit via spinal nerves T1 to L2 and go to nearby sympathetic chain ganglia, interconnected by nerve cords there are typically 3 cervical, 11 thoracic, 4 lumbar, 4 sacral, 1 coccygeal
Sympathetic Division; also called thoracolumbar,
Small myelinated, enter ganglia via white communicating rami
Unmyelinated, exit ganglia by gray communicating rami or other route
Enter ganglia, take one of 3 paths (end and synapse, go up or down the chain, pass through chain to another ganglia nearer target), fibers leave chain by: spinal n. (effectors in muscles and body wall), sympathetic n. (effectors in head and thoracic cavity), and splanchnic n. (effectors in abdominopelvic cavity), neural convergence and divergence are present
Secretes steroid hormones
Adrenal Cortex
Modified postganglionic sympathetic neurons, secretes hormones epinephrine (85%) and norepinephrine (15%) into blood stream
Adrenal Medulla