Education Chapter 12

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The person who brings up the idea or IDs the need
Person who conducts info search and controls the flow of info in org context-id potential vendors
Person who tries to sway the outcome of the decision
Buying center
Part of an org that is charged with making purchase decisions
Buyclass theory of purchasing
A framework that characterizes orgs buying decisions in terms of how much cognitive effort is involved in making a decision
Straight rebuy
Habitual decision, automatic choice, low risk
Modified rebuy
Involves limited decision making, low-moderate risk, co wants to reorder with some modifications
New task
Extensive problem solving, high risk, buying center involvement
Prediction market
A approached based on the idea that groups of people with knowledge about an industry are jointly better predictors of the future than are individuals
Similar to a frim that outsources production to a subcontractor-companies call upon outsiders from around the world to solve problems their own scientists cant handle
B2B e-commerce
Internet interactions bt 2 or more businesses
Online program that allows several people change a doc on a webpage and then tracks those changes
Extended family
Consists of three generations living together and often includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins
Nuclear family
Mother, father, kids
Persons of opposite sex sharing living quarters- nearly 1/2 of americans have at some point lived with someone of the oppostie sex