Can You Explain the Strategy of International Business Flashcards

Can you explain the Strategy of International Business? The rate at which your business grows is dependent on how you place your company to competitors and getting a foot ahead of them. By going through these flashcards, you stand a chance at learning how to thrive outside your parent country and gaining business across the world. Give them a try!

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Actions taken by managers to achieve company goals (maximizing value and returns to shareholders)
How do managers increase value and returns to shareholders?
1) increase profitability: reducing costs, adding value to increase prices of products 2) increase profit growth: selling more products in current market, entering new markets
What two strategies can firms use to increase value creation of their g/s?
1) low cost strategy: decreasing costs of production 2) differentiation strategy: setting apart their g/s from those of their competitors, increasing attractiveness of products
How do firms maximize profitability?
To maximize profitability, a firm must: a) pick a position on the efficiency frontier with sufficient demand b) configure internal operations to support that position c) right organization structure to execute strategy
What are the primary activities?
-design, creation, delivery; marketing; support and after sale service
-R&D (design, creation), production (creation of g/s), marketing and sales (brand positioning and advertising), customer service (after sale service and support)
What are the support activities?
-inputs that allow primary activties to occur -information systems (managing inventory, tracking sales, pricing roducts, selling products) -logistics function (controls transmission of physical materials through value) -human resource (skilled workers to perform; identify, recruit, develop skilled managers) -company infrastructure (organizational structure, control systems, culture of the firm)
Organization architecture
- totality of a firm's organization -organizational structure (division of organization into subunits, location of decision making responsibilities, establishment of integrating mechanisms) -controls and incentives(measures performance of subunits and rewards managerial behavior) -processes(how decisions are made and work is performed) -culture (norms and value sstems) -people (type of people who work at the organization)
Expanding globally allows firms to increase profitability and profit growth in what ways?
1) expanding the market 2) realize location economies 3) realize greater cost economies from experience effects 4) leveraging subsidiary skills
Expanding the market
-take g/s developed at home and sell them internationally -core competence- skills within the firm that competitors cannot easily copy or imitate
What advantages do core competencies produce?
-enables firms to reduce costs and create perceived value -source of a firm's competitive advantage -important for firms to transfer core competencies to foreign markets
Location economies
-performing value creation activity in the optimal location -low cost strategy- lowers costs of value creation and helps the firm achieve low cost position -differentiation strategy- enables firms to differentiate product offerings -global web- value added is maximized or costs of vale creation are minimized
Experience effects
- experience curve- reductions in productions costs that have been observed to occur over the life of a product -learning effects- cost savings that come from learning by doing -economies of scale- reductions in unit cost by producing large volume of a product (b/c of ability to spread fixed costs over large volume, large market size, increase in bargaining power with suppliers)
Leveraging subsidiary skills
-valuable skills are developed at home and tranferred to foreign operations -valuable skills can arise anywhere in global network -establish incentive system to encourage emploees to acquire new skills -process for identify new skills -transferring skills within firm
What two types of competitive pressure do firms face?
-low cost pressures occur when competitiors are based in low cost locations, there is persistent excess capacity, and consumers face low switching costs (serve universal needs) -local responsiveness pressures occur b/c of difference in tastes and pressures, infrastructure, distrubtion channels, host gov't demands
What are the four types of internation business strategies?
International, transnational, global standardization, localization