Chapter 11 Muscle Tissue Flashcards

​Start Studying and Learning about Chapter 11 Muscle Tissue with our Flashcard quizzes. Learn the terms, keywords, vocabulary, and much more about Chapter 11 Muscle Tissue with our flashcards quizzes. Attempt and answer these flashcards quizzes easily and have a smooth experience with it.

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A property of all cells, more pronounced in muscle and nerve cells, when stimulated muscle cells respond with electrical charges across the plasma membrane
Local electrical charges travel rapidly along the fiber iniating the process that leads to contraction
Ability of muscle to contract forcefully and generate tension by pulling on attachment points when stimulated by actin potentials, if the tension is enough to overcome the resistance then the muscle shortens and movement occurs
Ability to be stretched without being damaged, smooth muscle is subject to the greatest amount of stretch
Ability to return to its original shape and length after contraction or extension
Striated, unbranched, alternating bands of light and dark, mainly under voluntary control from neurons in the somatic nervous system, unconscious control also plays a part in respiration and posture as examples, muscle cells are muscle fibers or myofibers
Skeletal Muscle
Plasma membrane
The cytoplasm
Long protein bundles fills most of the sacroplasm
Abundant energy storage carbohydrate
Red oxygen storing pigment similar to hemoglobin
Stem cells that produce the muscle cells
Unspecilized cells that to a limited extent can reproduce to replace damaged muscle cells
Satellite Cells
Network of smooth ER with terminal enlargements
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Terminal enlargements are called