What Do You Know About Gender Physchology Flashcards

What do you know about Gender Psychology? Gender today cannot be described by looking at the characteristics that one exhibits or their reproductive organs; there are third, fourth, fifth, or "some" genders. The study of gender psychology helps people know which gender they identify. Go through the flashcards and get to learn more about this study as a whole.

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Ones bilogical classification as female or male
Psychological and socila characteristics associated with being male or female defined especially by ones gender identity and learned gender roles
A person with a deep conflict between his or her biological sex and preferred psychological and social gender roles
Intersexual person
An individual who has genitas suggestive of both sexes
Genetic sex
Sex as indicated by prescence of XX (female) or XY(male) chromosomes
Hormonal sex
sex as indicated by a preponderance of estrogens (female) or androgens (male) in the body
Gonadal sex
Sex as indicated by the presence of ovearie (female) or testes (male)
Genital sex
Sex as indicated by the presence of male or female genitals
Gender identity
Ones personal private sense of maleness or femalesness
Primary sexual characteristics
Sex as defined by the genitals and internal reproductive organs
Secondary sexual charateristics
Sexual features other than the genitals and reproductive organs breasts body shape facial hari and so forth
The onset of mestruation a womens first menstrual period
The release of an ovum (egg cell) by the ovaries
ova combine with sperm cells to begin the growth of an embryo
An end to regular monthly menstrual periods
usually occurs in the late 40s or early 50s
Biological biasing effect
Hypothesis that exposure to prenatal androgens and estrogens may influence the development of the body nervous system and later behavior patterns