Chapter 10: Agriculture

Ap human geo book

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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Deliberate modification of earth's surface through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals to obtain sustenance or econo,ic gain
When did agriculture happen?
Happen when human domesticated plants and animals for thier use
Care for
How did people obtain food before agriculture
Hunting and gathering
Any plant cultivated by people
How did huntersw and gatherers live?
In a group of mostly 50 where men would hunt and women would gather
How many people still hunt and gather today?
Less than .005%
Wat r geographer's position on invention of agriculture
They dont agree
What soposedly originated in southwest asia?
-barley -wheat -domestication of animals
What are the two factors that explain the origination of agriculture
Environmental:last ice age cultural: people's accident and expirementation
What type of culture do LDC AND MDC practice?
-MDC: commercial agriculture -LDC: subsistence agriculture
Subsistence agriculture
Production of food primarily for consumption by farmer's family
Commercial agriculture
Production of food primarily for sale off the farm
Who is Derwent Wittlesky?
Guy who identified 11 main agricultural regions and one without agriculture
How are agricultural differences displayed?
-climate and cultural preferences