Answer These Geography of Oceanic Climate Flashcards


41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Coastal areas located adjacent to cold ocean currents experience:
Less precipitation than areas located adjacent to warm currents.
In which of the following areas would the least amount of precipitation occur?

On the leeward side of a mountain range in the interior of a continent
As regards average annual precipitation, which of the following is correct?

Highest average values occur along the equator
Hot and wet" temperature and precipitation patterns are characteristic of:
Rain forests in the equatorial tropics.
Cold and dry" temperature and precipitation patterns are characteristic of:

Polar climates.
According to the text, climate change in the next 50 years could exceed that of:

The past 18,000 years.
Wladimir Köppen based his climate classification on:

Temperature and precipitation.
The classification system presented in the text uses:

mixture of empirical and genetic factors.
The following was not one of six climates presented in the text:

The following climate covers the largest area:
Which of the following is true of all tropical climates
They are found between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
The following climate has the longest rainy season
Tropical rain forest
Tropical monsoon climates:

Have wet summers and dry winters
Which of the following is true of tropical savanna climates?

Their rainy season occurs in summer when the ITCZ is overhead.
Which of the following is true regarding mesothermal climates?

Over half the world lives in a mesothermal climate.