Cell Biology Final Exam Test --- Dr. Johnson Fall 2009 (UAPB)

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32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The Intracellular membrane system of the cell is known as the ...
Endomembrane system
Most protein sysnthesis associated with the internal cellular membrane system occurs in the...
Rough ER
Within the cell most lipid biosynthesis occurs in the...
Smooth ER
True or False. All the intracellular membrane system is composed of a double membrane system.
After synthesis of proteins the secondary membrane system that is responsible for the completion of their modifications and targeting is...
The golgi complex
One of the primary modifications made to proteins in the cellular membrane system is...
When the intracellular membrane systme is involved in the externalization of proteins from the cell this process is called...
Much of the traficking of proteins from one intracellular system to another is completed through the transport of proteinds in these structures...
Vesicles involved in transport of proteinds are often coated by this protein...
The structures involved in the transport of intracellular proteins are often targeted by their being associated with these protein markers...
SNARES (SNAP receptors)
These structures play a primary role in the degradation of most molecules within the cell...
This large vacuole is most known by its significant content of catalase, responsible for the dissmutation of hydrogen peroxide.
The system that has been labeled as responsible for recycyling the numerous components of the cell, both viable and damaged is the ___________ system
In the case of the nervous, this cell is primarily responsible for signal transduction
The components of the nervous system cell that transmit the nerve signal towads the nerve cell body is the...