Bones & Skeletal Tissues 6

Bones and Skeletal Tissues

84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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3 Types of Skeletal cartilage
1) Hyaline cartilage 2) Elastic cartilage 3) Fibrocartilage
Cartilage which connects the ribs to the sternum
Costal cartilages
What does articular cartilage cover?
The ends of movable joints and bones
"Growth from outside"
Appositional growth
"Growth from inside"
Interstitial growth
When does cartilage growth typically end?
During adolescence
Area that includes the bones of the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage
Axial skeleton
Functions of axial skeleton:
Protecting, supporting, or carrying other body parts
The appendicular skeleton consists of...
Bones in the upper and lower limbs and the gridles that attach the limbs to the axial skeleton. (Shoulder bones and hip bones)
Funtions of the appendicular skeleton:
Bones and limbs help to get us from place to place and to manipulate our enviroment
The bones of the wrist and ankle are examples of which type of bone?
Short bones
Examples of flat bones:
Sternum, ribs, shoulder blades, and most of the bones in the skull
Which type of bone can form in a tendon?
Sesamoid bone
Examples of irregular bones:
Vertebrae and the hip bones
Functions of bones:
1) Support 2) Protection 3) Movement 4) Mineral storage 5) Blood cell formation