BLAW 301--Exam 1

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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The tendency to decide current cases based on previous rulings
Common Law
Judge made law
A law created by a legislative body
Stare Decisis
Let the decision stand--makes the law predictable and this in turn enables people to plan intelligently
Criminal Law
Prohibits certain behaviors
Civil law
Regulates the rights and duties between parties
The party who is suing
The party being sued
A proposed statute, submitted to congress or a state legislature
An order to appear at a particular place and time
Substantive Law
Decisions the court issues
Procedural Law
How you navigate in court
Burden of Proof
The deciding factor in a case
Attorney-Client Privilege
Privilege that protects a client's discussions with an attorney and assures that these reamin confidential
Contingent Fee
Any fee for services provided where the fee is only payable if there is a favorable result