BIOL109 - General Biology I (Chapter 04)

84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The ____ ____ states that all organisms are composed of cells, that cells are basic units of structure and function in organisms, and that cells come only from pre-existing cells because cells are self-reproducing
- cell theory
The ____________________ requires that cells be small.
- surface area to volume ratio
As cells get larger in volume, the surface area relative to volume ____.
- decreases
Cells needing greater surface area utilize ____________________.
- membrane modifications such as folding, microvilli, etc
____ ____ ____ use light rays focused by glass lenses.
- compound light microscopes
____ ____ ____ use electrons passing through specimen and focused by electromagnetic lenses.
- transmission electron microscopes (TEM)
____ ____ ____ use electrons scanned across metal-coated specimen; secondary electrons given off by metal are collected by a detector.
- scanning electron microscopes (SEM)
__(1)__ is a function of wavelength; the shorter wavelengths of electrons allow __(2)__ ____ than the longer wavelengths of light rays.
(1) magnification
(2) greater magnification
____ is the minimum distance between two objects at which they can still be seen as separate objects.
- resolution
____ is the difference in the shading of an object compared to its background.
- contrast
____ uses fluorescent antibodies to reveil proteins in cells.
- phase contrast
____ ____ uses laser beam to focus on a shallow plane within the cell; this forms a series of optical sections from which a computer creates a three dimensional image.
- confocal microscopy
____ ____ _____ accentuates the light and dark regions and may use a computer to contrast regions with false colors.
- video-enhanced contrast microscopy
Bright-field, phase contrast, differential interference, and dark-field are different types of what?
- light microscopes.
Three different types of cells exist in nature. What are they?
- Prokaryotic cells, Eukaryotic cells, Archaea